Legal notice

Website Content Editor

This website is edited by BLUE HORIZON (CONNECTY), a simplified joint-stock company (Société par actions simplifiée – SAS) incorporated under the laws of France with its registered office at 36 rue Waldeck Rousseau, 69006 Lyon (France).

Registered capital:
1,000 EUR
Registered number (SIREN):
838 973 568 (Lyon Trade and Companies Register / RCS Lyon)
VAT identification number:
FR 24 838973568
[email protected]

Publishing Director

The Publishing Director is Mr. Stéphane Chometton, Chairman.

[email protected]

Hosting Services Provider

The Website is hosted by OVH, a company incorporated under the laws of France with its registered office at Roubaix (France), registered under the government issued number 424 761 419 00045 RCS Lille Métropole.